Saturday, September 06, 2008

Motherwort Capsules Information

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Motherwort CapsulesHigh And Low Density Lipoprotein: How Do They Influence Heart Health Or Heart Disease?

When speaking about high density lipoprotein, it could be said to be a ?team player? in relation to heart health because it travels in the bloodstream and picks up cholesterol, carrying it to the liver so that it can be broken down and excreted from the body.

Your low density lipoprotein (LDL) level is a factor in the development of heart disease because it can deposit cholesterol to the arterial wall, creating plaque. Plaque could create a blockage that results in a heart attack or, if it were to block capillaries in the brain, this could lead to a stroke.

It can be seen why cholesterol levels are important to cardiovascular health. Fortunately, these levels can be measured and risk factors identified.

For example, high density lipoprotein (HDL) should range from 40 to 50 mg/dL for the average man and from 50 to 60 mg/dL for the average woman.

Low density lipoprotein should be less than 100mg/dL to 129mg/dL.

What is the best-case scenario? Higher levels of high density lipoprotein are desirable and lower levels of LDL are preferable.

What can you do to bring levels into desired ranges? Research has provided answers as to how cholesterol affects the human body and how implementing certain changes can make an important difference.

Weight reduction is beneficial, as is stopping smoking. Reducing coffee consumption may prove helpful. Making these changes can aid in reducing low density lipoprotein levels.

Engaging in regular exercise can produce significant results. Runners and endurance athletes tend to have higher readings of high density lipoprotein whereas those who lead sedentary lifestyles usually have lower levels.

Fatty fish is a good dietary choice if you are trying to lower low density lipoprotein levels. EPA and DHA found in fish oil help to reduce high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Additionally, these substances help to prevent and treat atherosclerosis by inhibiting the development of plaque and blood clots, which can clog arteries.

Certain foods are known to raise levels of high density lipoprotein. Kidney and red beans are wonderful choices. People who eat foods rich in low-glycemic carbohydrates, measure with the highest level of HDL.

Whole grain and high-fiber foods are good for almost everyone but are especially beneficial if you are trying to lower your low density lipoprotein. Selecting nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables, including soy products and garlic and onions is relatively easy and can make an important difference.

Additionally, natural supplements contain ingredients that have been researched for efficacy and effectiveness. A supplement can act as a balancing formula, for both high and low cholesterol; it can boost high density lipoprotein while reducing triglycerides.

Policosanol has been shown to have a significant impact by decreasing total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein while increasing HDL. Studies show that flavonoids found in green tea may reduce lipoprotein oxidation. Catechins in green tea reduce proliferation of vascular smooth muscle that occurs with high concentrations of LDL. Chromium stimulates activity of certain enzymes involved in the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol. Selenium is an essential mineral that can be used in a preventive manner for many diseases including atherosclerosis and stroke. Inositol may be beneficial in relation to disorders of fat transport and metabolism, high cholesterol, hypertension, high triglycerides, and peripheral vascular disease.

Lifestyle changes and natural methods can produce tangible results. If you are attempting to raise high density lipoprotein or to bring levels into desired ranges, the foregoing steps can be implemented to safeguard health. Always obtain appropriate advice before embarking on any treatment strategy.

Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She has contributed to High Density Lipoprotein, a section of dedicated to natural treatments for high cholesterol and heart disease prevention.

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